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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: SUSY and TGD.cmap, SUSY AND TGD 5. Does TGD really predict Nɭ SUSY at low energies? a) It is not quite clear whether the Nɭ SUSY generated by ν_R corresponds to the ordi- nary SUSY. ν_R does not have e-w interactions and one might argue that its addition to the space-time sheet representing particle does not imply the formation of bound state in which both move in parallel as a single coherent unit with definite spin/helicity. b) If this occurs then one can expect that the vertices obey SUSY reflecting itself in the helicity dependence of of scat- tering amplitudes. An attracti- ve assumption is that all string ends at partonic 2-surface have parallel light-like momen- ta parallel to that of ν_R., SUSY AND TGD 1. Standard SUSY. a) Supersymmetry is an extension of the notion of super-symmetry allow- ing the relate bosons and fermions by super-sym- metry transformations. Ordinary notion of sym- metry does not allow this b) N=1 SUSY which is the simplest form of SUSY. The- re is only one SUSY genera- tor so that there is single spartner for every ordinary particle. b) The problematic predict- ion is that the spinors are Majorana spinors. This predicts a loss of separate conservation of baryon and lepton numbers predicted also by GUTs assembling leptons and quarks to sa- me multiplets. c) The problematic aspect of SUSYs is that the super- symmetric variant of Higgs mechanism is not unique and is not very convincing. d) There is a huge variety of N=1 SUSY symmetric theories. The minimal su- per-symmetric extension of standard model assigns (MSSM) superpartners to standard model particles. e) More complex models start from supergravity and assume mechanism of su- persymmetry breaking. f) Also superstring models predicted SUSY at TeV ener- gies. This was of course only a "prediction" since land- scape catastrophe destroys the predictivity of the theo- ry., SUSY AND TGD 4. Right handed neutrino and SUSY. a) Right-handed neutrino ν_R has no electroweak couplings and is exceptional. Covariantly constant ν_R can be de-localized into entire 4-D space-time sur- face. This is true also if the CP_2 part of Kähler-Dirac operator annihilates ν_R. b) Also em neutral space-times allow 4-D modes which however can be expressed as continuous integrals over 2-D modes locali- zed at 2-D em neutral string world sheets. c) Cosmic strings postulated to dominate primordial cosmology would be this kind of space-ti- me surfaces. In transition to radiation dominated cosmology fermion number would be loca- lized to 2-D string world sheets. d) There are two kinds of super- conformal representations. Covariantly constant ν_R gives rise to a representation of super- symplectic algebra and charged modes give rise to a representa- tion of the isometry algebra. The second representation cor- responds to SUSY broken badly by CP_2 geometry. e) The badly broken SUSY corre- sponds to large N (even infinite N at ideal measurement resolu- tion allowing infinite number of spinors modes at string world sheets). The slightly broken variant would correspond to the symplectic super-conformal rep- resentations. In both cases Nɭ means that baryon and lepton numbers can be conserved se- parately., SUSY AND TGD 3. In TGD framework the fun- damental symmetry is su- per-conformal invariance. a) TGD version of conformal symmetry extends the con- formal symmetry from the level of 2-D string world sheets to the level of 3-D light-like boundary δM^4_+ of M^4 light-cone and light- like partonic orbits, both of which are metrically 2-D. b) The fundamental super- conformal algebra is genera- ted by the symplectic algeb- ra assignable to δM^4×CP_2 having natural conformal structure associated with the radial light-like coordinate taking the role of complex coordinate z in super-confor- mal theories. c) The modes of Kähler Dirac equation have well-define em charge only if the region of space-time carrying them is em neutral in the sense that classical W fields vanish. The condition for em neutrali- ty states that CP_2 projection of this region is 2-D. The re- gion can be 2-D string world sheet with vanishing W fields or it can be 4-D but have 2-D CP_2 projection. The con- jecture is that space-time surfaces of this kind exist and for them CP_2 projection belongs to a homologically non-trivial geodesic sphere. It could be also complex sub- manifold of CP_2., SUSY AND TGD 2. Standard SUSY and LHC. a) Before LHC the models predicted that SUSY would be observed at LHC. SUSY would have solved the fine tuning problem for Higgs mas and stabilized it since radiative corrections from particles and their spart- ners to Higgs mass would have cancelled at high energy limit. b) The recent experimental work at LHC has however demonstrated that spart- ners- if they exist at all - in TeV energy scale, are too heavy to resolve the problem.